
before the anointing

The poem ‘before the anointing’ from Rupam’s forthcoming collection ‘decolonising the broken heart’ published in Wasafiri Volume 38, Issue 3 “Politically conscious in a different way, Rupam Baoni’s poem ‘before the anointing’ is a claustrophobically layered...

bone journey

‘bone journey’ was on of the five finalists in the Queen Mary Wasafiri New Writing Prize 2020 and was longlisted in The National Poetry Competition 2019.bone journey there’s an art to arrangingbones, laying them togetherby way of size, shape, density,to form a human...

isle of wight & green onyxes

From the upcoming collection ‘decolonising the broken heart’. Published in Oxford Magazine Eighth Week Michaelmas Term, 2023 isle of wight & green onyxes … jadeite, jasper,amethyst, choral, lapis lazuli,opal, opalite, sea-carved with carelessprecision into angels,...

laws of conservation

From the upcoming collection ‘decolonising the broken heart’. Published in Oxford Magazine Eighth Week Michaelmas Term, 2023 laws of conservation I’ve been in mourning forever,grieving I’m told has a shelf life, so does love, it decomposesinto something slighter,...

and you say she’s gone for good

From the upcoming collection ‘decolonising the broken heart’. Published in Oxford Magazine Eighth Week Michaelmas Term, 2023 and you say she’s gone for good (for Jane Kenyon) the cyclonetook your home and yourwits last monsoon butthat’s not true – youwere done after...

bone island

Shortlisted: 2020 Bridport Poetry Prizebone island I take my bones each night andlay them one by one upon the cabinetby our bedstead, separating flats fromlongs or wedging the irregulars in betweento prop up the assortment of humanbulk; once I finish with the bones...



‘Sky-burial’ from Rupam Baoni’s forthcoming short story collection was published in Wasafiri Volume 33, Issue 3.Our readers loved Sky-burial, and we received many emails this year about how it moved our audience. It was published in Issue 95, which is available to...