I never could have thought my keyboard transforms so naturally into a grand piano every time I write. The prelude, the exposition, the recapitulation: it's my mind that creates; the fingers execute.


“These poems (from her forthcoming collection) are the best things I have seen of hers and I like them very much.”

Donald Hall

(2006 Poet Laureate of the US)

“ ‘Unchangeable’ is a poem of great wisdom by one her age. ‘Love’ reminds me of Anna

Akhmatova…not bad company.”

Jane Kenyon

(Considered one of the most powerful of American poets)

“The earnest feeling in her book is very touching to me. As poets we must make ourselves vulnerable in speaking our most personal ideas and fears and wishes. This is something she does very well in her poems. They are mostly without irony, and I like that quality. The poems in the section ‘He Comes When Evening Comes’ stand out as the best. That is because they have the most concrete images…’Love’, ‘Widow’, ‘Lost Love’. When she uses real things to embody her thoughts, she is at her best…a half-drunk cup of tea, the kettle shaking on the stove. She must think of herself as a painter with words…”

Jane Kenyon

“I found the opening lines of ‘He Comes When Evening Comes’ deserving of immortality… How beautifully put. And by a girl not waiting for a husband or lover.”

Khushwant Singh

(Writer and Journalist)

‘The Sunday Observer’

“I have never been the poetic one but her poems made me sit up and muse over love, transience and that inner beauty that exists in all of life. She has the faculty to look below the surface and beyond a usual line of vision.”

Khushwant Singh

“I found (her) poems sensitive and evocative.”

Prof. P Lall

(Writer and Poet)

“Rupam Baoni’s poems and prose, rich in imagery and cadences reflect the throbbing pulse of her innate artistic temperament. She sees in colour, hears in melody and renders in a language that transfigures the banality of everyday life to worlds far beyond.”

Marcus Smith

(Writer and Musician)

“Rupam’s compassion for the animate and inanimate in her writings is spell-binding. She is a writer of immense talent and intelligence, knowing just when to give a little more and when to stop.”

Aaron Blake

(Poet and Literary critic)

“Rupam Baoni is an author of rare talent and a certain creative charisma that is all at once seductive and thought-provoking. She is a poet of a remarkable vision that she renders most simply and intelligently through her words and cadences; she is a prose writer with an extraordinary perception that she manifests through words and phrases rich in imagery, sensuousness and symbols. Perhaps the charming blend of the lofty and the base that one gets to encounter in her writings is a reflection of the balance she likes to strike in both her professional and personal life.”

Marcus Smith

“Rupam’s writings are an explosion on paper. They scald the pages with a flame of emotions that more than other things stir the primitive in us – a love that never surfaced, an anguish that has buried itself deep within... She is a writer of remarkable talent.” Melissa Flack

(Writer and Musician)

“The best thing about her writings is that they never fail to startle. Her words have pliability and take different shapes and forms as one reads on. They might be ballerinas dancing on her pages and the rhythm that underlies her writings are those that are innate and living in all of us. She is a writer of the earth. She births emotions that were long sown inside of us but never tampered with. She is a poet of vision.”

Deborah Wellworth

(Artist and writer)

“There is a sense of elusiveness and beauty in Rupam’s writings. They are artlessly simple yet sophisticated; intellectual and yet fluid. Every sentence of hers could read like a poem but without a touch of sentimentality and the sexual tension in the ‘Sky-burial’ though is present, it is so in a uniquely pure and spiritual manner. Hers are the writings of enigmas and they reverberate long after.”

Blake Winston

(Literary and Art Critic)
