I never could have thought my keyboard transforms so naturally into a grand piano every time I write. The prelude, the exposition, the recapitulation: it's my mind that creates; the fingers execute.



Rupam Baoni is a writer and artist based in London, whose work ranges from poetry, fiction, essays, to watercolours, oils, acrylics, and sculpture. Her writing career kick-started after the publication of her poetry collection Green Red & Amber at the age of nineteen, prompting an invitation as youngest of twenty-one international poets to prestigious poetry readings alongside the US Poet Laureate Donald Hall, Jane Kenyon and others. She is an Academic Fellow at the Hypatia Trust Penzance that works actively towards bringing to the fore the contribution of women in the fields of literature, the arts and sciences as well as pertinent environment and social issues. She was nominated in their Iconic Women’s Series in 2018. Some of her poems have appeared in the anthology: Invisible Borders: New Women’s Writing from Cornwall and her most recent book of poems chronicles of entering my body was published in 2021 by Hypatia Publications. She gives talks on art and sculpture, organises workshops on painting, art appreciation, and creative writing around the UK, Europe and India. She is presently working on a novel, a collection of short stories and poems, as well putting together a series of paintings and sculptures for a forthcoming show in London.





Shortlisted in:

2023 Bridport Poetry Contest

2020 Queen Mary Wasafiri New Writing Prize 

2020 Bridport Poetry Contest 

Longlisted in:

4th Estate Short Story Prize 2021

Commonwealth Short Story Prize

National Poetry Competition

London Short Story Prize

PBS & Mslexia Women’s Poetry Contest 

Frontier Poetry Prize.